
TAQ Rewards for Hunter

2.5 Class Armor

■Huhuran, Viscidus
Qiraji Bindings of Command

◇肩 Striker's Pauldrons
(1) Qiraji Bindings of Command (Classes: Priest Rogue Warrior Hunter)
(2) Idol of War (Classes: Druid Rogue Warrior Hunter)
(5) Crystal Scarab
(5) Ivory Scarab

◇靴 Striker's Footguards
(1) Qiraji Bindings of Command (Classes: Priest Rogue Warrior Hunter)
(2) Idol of Life (Classes: Shaman Druid Priest Hunter Paladin)
(5) Stone Scarab
(5) Bone Scarab

■Emperor Vek'lor
Vek'lor's Diadem

◇頭 Striker's Diadem
(1) Vek'lor's Diadem (Classes: Shaman Druid Rogue Hunter Paladin)
(2) Idol of Strife (Classes: Shaman Druid Rogue Hunter Paladin)
(5) Bronze Scarab
(5) Ivory Scarab

Skin of the Great Sandworm

◇脚 Striker's Leggings
(1) Skin of the Great Sandworm (Classes: Warlock Shaman Druid Hunter Paladin)
(2) Idol of the Sun (Classes: Mage Rogue Warrior Hunter)
(5) Silver Scarab
(5) Bone Scarab

Carapace of the Old God

◇胴 Striker's Hauberk
(1) Carapace of the Old God (Classes: Shaman Rogue Warrior Hunter Paladin)
(2) Idol of Life (Classes: Shaman Druid Priest Hunter Paladin)
(5) Gold Scarab
(5) Clay Scarab


Imperial Qiraji Armaments
 Imperial Qiraji Armaments and 3 Elementium Ore

Blessed Qiraji Musket
Range Gun
86 - 160 Damage Speed 2.60 (47.3 damage per second)
+10 Stamina, +31 ranged Attack Power

Blessed Qiraji War Axe
One-Hand Axe
110 - 205 Damage Speed 2.60 (60.6 damage per second)
+10 Intellect, +9 Stamina, critical strike 1%, +14 Attack Power

Blessed Qiraji Pugio
One-Hand Dagger
72 - 134 Damage Speed 1.70 (60.6 damage per second)
+7 Stamina, critical strike 1%, hit 1%, +18 Attack Power

Blessed Qiraji Bulwark
Off Hand (Shield) Shield
2964 Armor 55 Block
+20 Stamina, block attacks with a shield 3%, block value of your shield 15, Defense +8.

Eye of C'Thun
Cloak of the Fallen God
Back Cloth
66 Armor
+26 Agility, +11 Strength, +15 Stamina

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